EITA Charity Fund Raising For Turkiye Earthquake Victims

In light of the recent earthquake disaster that happened in Turkey, EITA organized a donation drive in conjunction with Tzu Chi Foundation Malaysia for the earthquake victims as part of EITA’s CSR initiative. On 23 rd February 2023, three volunteers from Tzu Chi had visited the EITA Subang office to call for aid for the earthquake victims. They shared several videos that showed scenes of destruction and how their volunteers were able to provide aid to the communities affected.


In joining the disaster relief efforts, EITA Resources Berhad donated RM10,000 for the Turkish victims. The donation from EITA was presented by our Acting Group Managing Director, Mr Lim Joo Swee to the Tzu Chi Foundation volunteers. Mr JS Lim expressed his hopes that the donation would help ease the difficult situation of the families affected and also encouraged any EITA staff to take part in this donation. As such, there was an additional donation session for EITA staff to contribute in a donation box prepared by the Tzu Chi volunteers. We are proud of all our staff that were at the charity event who came forward with generosity.


A meatless luncheon was then served to everyone who joined the charity fund raising session. After which, Mr JS Lim and the Tzu Chi volunteers travelled to our office at Bukit Raja to extend the call for donations. We are equally proud of all our staff at Bukit Raja who donated.


EITA would like to express its sincere gratitude to everyone for their kindness and big heart by taking part in the donation to Turkiye Earthquake victims.